Wall plug efficiency¶
The internal wall plug efficiency (WPE) is calculated when Gain clamping occurs. It is defined as
\frac{P_{\mathrm{stimulated emission}} - P_\mathrm{absorption}}{UI},
where \(U\) is — and \(I\) is the current. If the front mirror losses (FrontMirrorLosses) are specified, the external WPE is output as
where \(\alpha_\mathrm{fm}\) is the front mirror losses.
The cavity losses (\(\alpha_\mathrm{cavity}\), CavityLosses) is related to the front mirror losses via
where \(\alpha_\mathrm{bm}\) and \(\alpha_\mathrm{waveguide}\) are the losses due to the back mirror and waveguide, respectively.
Please check out an example of mid-infrared QCL results in Overview.